Hoodies Club Nft - Divine wurld


Monday, June 6, 2022

Hoodies Club Nft


I trust you are having a great day.

We will discussing today about NFTS and Nft projects.

Before we dive into Hoodies Club Nft, lets first understand what Nfts are.

Lets ride!...

What is An Nft?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a financial security consisting of digital data stored in a blockchain, a form of distributed ledger. The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain, and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded. NFTs can be created by anybody, and require few or no coding skills to create.

  NFTs typically contain references to digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. Because NFTs are uniquely identifiable, they differ from cryptocurrencies, which are fungible. The market value of an NFT is associated with the digital file it references.

Proponents of NFTs claim that NFTs provide a public certificate of authenticity or proof of ownership, but the legal rights conveyed by an NFT can be uncertain. The ownership of an NFT as defined by the blockchain has no inherent legal meaning, and does not necessarily grant copyright, intellectual property rights, or other legal rights over its associated digital file. An NFT does not restrict the sharing or copying of its associated digital file, and does not prevent the creation of NFTs that reference identical files.

The NFT market grew dramatically from 2020–2021: the trading of NFTs in 2021 increased to more than $17 billion, up by 21,000% over 2020's total of $82 million. NFTs have been used as speculative investments, and they have drawn increasing criticism for the energy cost and carbon footprint associated with validating blockchain transactions 

Hoodies Club Nft
Hoodies Club is a Nft collection on the Polygon network. This project was launched on April 2022.

   Hoodies Club Nft represents and recognize people that loves wearing Hoodie 

 Hoodies Club Nft on opeansea.io features 1000 Nft copies with a floor price of 0.06ETH. Price increases daily.

Hoodies Club collection

How to buy Hoodies Club Nft

1. connect wallet (Trust wallet or metamask) to Opensea.io

2. click here Hoodies Club

3. click on Buy

4.  approve transaction

Hoodies Club aims to aid Hodlers appreciate Hoodies color combination I.e giving everyone the right color compliment for their Hoodies.

Check out their collection on Opensea.io Hoodies Club Nft

Check out Hoodies Club Twitter page 👉 Hoodies Club on Twitter

You can join the official discord community of Hoodies Club Nft 👉 Hoodies Club discord community

An Nft with a moderate price (0.06ETH) will be considered a Gem.

Always DYOR

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